That also worked like... WAY better than I thought it would. Fibbian's dryer thing made my arm kinda itchy, but That zombie is just straight up not moving anymore.

Affirmative, there are no longer any signals emminating from that machine you just deactivated.

So he really did re-die just from that? If these Cynex-es are so weak then why was everyone so scared of them...?

Are you truly SO ignorant that you don't know what you just did?! Do you even KNOW what The Cynex IS?!

I mean... not really. All I know is that my electric swatter didn't do anything against them, but exposing them to soda or that dryer gun just straight up killed them.

Oh, I also got one to jump off a ledge. I wonder... did that kill him or is it still crawling around somewhere..?

Of course it is!! Absolutely EVERYONE knows that The Cynex are impervious to physical trauma!

Geez... you really DON'T know what you're dealing with here... I'm kind of impressed you've survived this far on dumb luck alone.