Yo, Pixter! Any like... insight on what just happened there?

You inserted an overpriced soft drink into the occular cavity of-

Ugh, no! OBVIOUSLY I know that part! I was there!!

What I mean is, why did that thing like... explode? I've drank Proxy cola a trillion times and that's never happened.

Your observations are as informed as mine, however a machine's reaction to injesting a viscous fluid will obviously vary from an organism's.

A machine? That thing was like, a textbook zombie. Its bones were all sticking out and it was leaking goo everywhere. You need your eyes checked.

Eyes are for organisms, I primarily perceive the world through an array of sensors and networking hardware.

Although my sensors picked up no life signs, I detected a synthetic electromagnetic frequency as well as several different wireless communication signals emanating from whatever you just deactivated. It was a machine.

For real? Can you like... connect to those signals or something?

The Cynex' use of protoencryphonic language systems extended to these signals. This makes them directly incompatible with translation devices.

And besides that, the signals all simultaniously cut out .03 seconds before the machine collapsed to the ground.

Well at least we know it's actually dead...