Next to the pylon is a small platform with a long metal rail extending from it. The rail runs parallel to the highway for as far as the eye can see.

This structure is a GRINDWAY node, they allow pedestrians to traverse pathways alongside Hyperspeed Highways without the use of a vehicle.

I'm supposed to balance on that thing? Now I feel like you're just trying to put me into even MORE danger.

Traversing a Grindway only requires footwear with magnetic couplings, these come standard issue with most spacesuits and cybernetic limb replacements.

Well all I got is the sandals I'm currently wearing, so I don't think that plan is gonna work out.

Although... I think that tech-y vending machine before sold "grind boots". I couldn't afford them, but maybe there's like some emergency freebie mode or I can just break it open with something.

Taking advantage of a crisis situation to forcefully procure assets from automated businesses is highly lucrative and profitable. This action is highly advisable.

So wait, you're actually ENCOURAGING me to like... steal stuff?

It is simply an asset gained, regardless of the morality of the act.

I am programmed with the singular goal of maximizing financial gain. Encouraging conscientious behaviors from my user would be in direct opposition of this goal.

Well I guess it's settled then, lets go back there and try to get those shoes.