Very nice! I see you decided not to include any kind of bio in your profile, how very... minimalist.

I came to join the Vegabonds to develop my neglected identity... I feel in my current state I don't have much to say about myself. Same as with my name.

I considered filling the space with information about my past work within the Inverse... but I no longer want to associate with any of that.

Understandable! Well much like with your name, you can always change it later. Though you don't need to come to an initiation center to change the appearance of your Clippage.

You should be able to modify it with any computer. Or depending on what you got in that head of yours, your brain! I'm honestly not really familiar with how you Inverse folks interface with computers.

It was kinda funny seeing you type on a keyboard like that. I'd always assumed you guys had a more efficient way of doing things like that.

Typically we network like any device. My prior body did not even have fingers to type with... However I was not born like this, I was fully human once, and I'd like to try and get back to acting like one.

Well that's very commendable of you. I think joining the Vegabonds is the perfect first step for you to achieve that.