Is that picture really of... you? It doesn't look like you at all. Your skin is all pink in it, and you don't have all that tech strapped to your back.

Well, I may have had some work done recently, but all of my most distinctive characteristics are intanct! Back on Diplovast I was the most widely recognized celebrity on the planet!

Wow, really? So why did you leave?

Sigh.... The drama of stardom I suppose. Ever since I was a neonate, when people look at me, all they see is beauty. My demure eyespots, my ecdysial cleavage, my succulent flagella...

But I've got some BRAINS in here too! 3 last I checked. And I realized that although us Bladrans are painfully alluring, our beauty is both a blessing and a curse.

Our unique physical traits stem from a high rate of mutation, and although this makes us highly fashionable, we're also prone to all sorts of genetic defects.

Okay... but you're from the Obverse. Genetic restructuring is mega easy, my family was always trying to get me to do it to change my hair and skintone.

Yes, but Bladrans are especially... traditional. Even among the Obverse.

Our species greatly values genetic purity and "natural beauty". Tampering with your mutations is practically a criminal offense. Even if you're blind or bedridden.

I actually brought up the idea of just undergoing genetic resequencing myself, but this was always met with violent backlash from my fans and employers.