Well hello there! Welcome to Sargasso Station, kiddo!

Judging from your clothes and plethora of body parts, you're from the Obverse! So you've come to the right place! Good timing, too! Not a big turn out of initiates right now!

Though things always slow down around this nebular shift, nobody likes to travel when there's this much stardust floating around, yanno? It can really clog up your ship's intake valves if you're not careful!

Uhhh... right. I was directed here by Fibbian, I'm here to join the Vegabonds.

Why of course you are! This is an initiation center after all!

The first order of business is to get you in our system so we can revoke your Obverse citizenship and get you an ID clip.

Fortunately since you already have a PDA we can start by extracting the personal information you've already entered into it!

Why do I need an ID? Isn't being off-grid like, the entire point of being a Vegabond?