I'd assume you'd be familiar with all this, your ears and gills aren't exactly stock parts for a human.

Oh, I was born with these. Comes with the whole "descended from terraformers" thing. To survive on Mars back then they had to fuse humans with amphibians and stuff.

Artificial genetic resequencing? How retro! Well that makes you a Chimera then, a combination of different lifeforms.

Huh, I heard that term before but didn't know what it meant, much less that I AM one.

It's very common. Most people who come to my Vitanode for procedures leave as Chimeras. Whether it's an alien wanting to be more human or a human wanting to be more alien.

I'm no exception, most of my setup is automated so I've even performed many procedures on myself.

I was wondering about that... so did you start off as an alien or a human?

If you can't tell then that means I'm exceptionally good at my job, ehehehe...