Oh, you're back. And you have a name now! So, Hyla, what's the issue?

Well I filled in all the stuff like you told me to, and now look what it says here! "Install artificial intelligence to continue"? What is that supposed to mean? This thing's not trying to mess with my brain is it?

What? I already told you that after you were done entering your information I'd put an A.I on the Handi-PC for you.


So A.I stands for Artificial Intelligence.

I uh.... right...

And no, the A.I won't "mess with your brain", it's just a thinking software that can be put on devices to help guide you through unfamiliar situations.

Computers can THINK? I thought they had to steal brains for that, huh. So how do I know this "A.I" isn't evil and is just going to lead me straight to my death?

A.I on handheld devices are extremely rudimentary, they have no capacity for insubordination. If you don't like any of the advice it gives you just don't follow it, it's that simple.

Alright, I guess that sounds safe enough. So what do we have to do to get one on here?

Well first you'll have to choose a personality type. Let me see which ones I've got in stock...