So what will it cost me then?

Actually the amount here almost perfectly covers the cost of both items!

HOWEVER, you've made it very evident you aren't interested in collecting tech. So if you let me keep that body you walked in with I'd be willing to offer a significant discount.

Sure. I actually had not considered what would happen to it once I found a replacement. I would not think such a specialized factory model would be very in demand outside of the Inverse.

It's not, monotool claws aren't exactly ideal for day to day, factory-less life. The type of chassis you came in with is borderline useless here in the Vertex.

The Inverse is always very eager to buy back their own tech though, I can easily trade your old chassis back to whatever Earth facility you came from for around the worth of one of your disks here.

So we'll say that's the discount. One of your disks, 500K venn, on the condition that I can keep your old bod. Deal?

Seems fair. Deal.